JCSI and Adaptas: Delivering Quality Candidates 

Adaptas applies its innovative approach to best support each customer’s needs, offering a wide range of products used across mass spectrometry, liquid handling, and automation.  Adaptas is an advanced contract manufacturer of sample-to-answer solutions.

By partnering with JCSI for multiple projects, Adaptas got a project-based RPO model that filled roles with high-quality candidates. JCSI’s passive candidate sourcing approach and in-depth pre-screening process delivered top-quality candidates for Adaptas’ roles.


  • High-Quality Candidates: JCSI was able to deliver several high-quality candidates for Adaptas to choose from to make the best hires.
  • Strong Partner: As a project-RPO-based partner of  Adaptas, JCSI found candidates who met their requirements and were well suited for the roles.

High-Quality Candidates!

“We have engaged with JCSI recently as well as a few years back and our experience has been excellent. Most recently we were successfully able to hire several positions, and I believe the pre-screening process that they undertake with candidates is their differentiating factor. The candidates that they push through are quality candidates and this has given us the ability to have multiple qualified individuals to choose from.

Their reporting is also very robust – it is sent weekly and gives you a clear analysis of where we are in the process, who has and has not been interviewed, etc. and their follow-up is excellent as well when we did make a hire.

I would highly recommend JCSI if you are in search of potential employees to hire.”